Sunday, September 16, 2012

POST NUMERO 29: Welcome September, and the New Resolution Month

Just Realized I gave No monthly welcome...what the HELL is wrong with me!
Alright, so it is September...almost October (whoops)...and it may be midway through the month already but September and I have always been indifferent and fine with each other...SO TIME TO GIVE IT AN INTRO!
In fact, September may very well be one of my favorite months…
The temperatures begins to cool…and OF COURSE happy news…the Crap Month of August is DONE!!!
This month for people of all ages is an Exciting one. It is the month that School restarts...which I have always enjoyed in small doses...more when I was a child then now...
With school restarting…I would love to find the ONE person who could honestly tell me that they did not get a SURGE of EXCITEMENT when they would receive their school schedules...and more specifically their school supplies list (I fricking loved those lists...)

However throughout my life the school supply list went from this…
I can't even tell you how much I want these right now!!

To this…
Behind the bottles are a box of crayons and a glue stick

For sports fans September starts Football, Football, Football, and MORE FOOTBALL.

Those reasons aside…I feel that September is the PERFECT time to make some true changes in your life. It is such an optimal time to make resolutions and a fall bucket list.

Readers, some of you might be scratching you head and saying, “Listen Matteo…you know that JANUARY is the resolution/change month ya stupid Bastard!!!!”
Yeah yeah yeah…I know that…but September, in my opinion, feels like a whole bigger adventure then New Years could ever be. So, I am WELL aware of how January is the month where everyone actually starts to brag about there resolutions and life changes but I am telling you readers…start them in September and they Stick!
1)      September is a natural redo…it is a restart month…School begins, Jobs recommence, days begin to drag on and nights begin to get cooler. It is just one of those times where you have to accept the fact of how summer is done and real life starts again. So why not start with a new mentality
2)      You begin to realize a schedule and then come to terms with the fact of how important it is to stick to it. For example…school begins and the schedule returns to a monotonous normalcy. However, along with fall comes the adventure and thrill of breaking the schedule (living on the edge)…even if it may mean dire diiiiiiiiiiire consequences.
3)      With cooler weather…comes great weather…. and with great weather comes plenty of time to kick back and relax outdoors…
4)      September can be the “resolution month” with out all the hoopla and pressure of being a “resolution month”. For example if your want to start working out more…you can fly underneath the radar and do it without anyone putting unnecessary pressure on you.
5)      Fall has a natural learning quality to it…as children we became accustomed to leaning new things after summer. We are all pre-conditioned and trained to succeed when we learn that way every year. Think of it as a habit that is hard to break. September is the perfect time to take advantage of this as after baking in the summer months…the brain can be replenished.

All Right time to talk about what to do during September and all the fun UNKNOWN days and why the month is fabulous…
So September is Self Improvement Month! It is also Classical Music month so turn down the bass and turn on the classics…wow September is also “Fall Hat Month” so reader break out your fall hats (what exactly is a fall hat…I know winter hats exist…but fall…hmmm?)… National Courtesy Month (hold a door open and show some polite and humane qualities to others you jerks)…Chicken Month…National Blueberry Popsicle Month (yum)…International Square Dancing Month (YEEEEHAAAAWW!)

Although we already miss it…
September 2nd was “National Beheading Day”
September 5th was “National Cheese Pizza Day”
September 9th was “Grandparent’s Day”

And days to Come…

September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day
September 19th is National Butterscotch Pudding Day
September 18th is National Cheeseburger Day
September 22nd is Elephant Appreciation Day
September 22nd is the beginning of Oktoberfest

Break it down now....

ANYWAY, more posts coming soon...

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