Wednesday, August 1, 2012

POST NUMERO 25: Olympics part one, and I am back but my computer is crap

This one is going to be quick and painless...

Holy Crap, I have done it again…I have managed to completely and totally neglect my responsibility to write for my adoring (and increasingly angry) fans. Why have I been missing in action…well firstly I am a lazy ass ( I am sure you are aware of this as I type it everytime I am missing for a period of time)…I really am…most times I literally wake up in the morning or get an idea so quickly that I run to my computer and I get all excited but by the time my comp boots up I end up giving up, checking my email, and surfing google aimlessly
I am going to blame a lot of my absence on the fact of how my crap computer is completely and totally incapable of performing tasks…and let me break it down for you
1) My computer takes forever to boot up…it is SLOW…everytime I turn it on it takes about three attempts to start a full boot and then when it does boot up it takes forever to actually allow me to click on ANYTHING…so when I am ready to finally type…the moment and inspiration are gone.
2) My computer is missing keys and a lot of the keys do not work… when I am saying missing keys I am not talking about useless keys that have never been pressed on ANY computer (I.E. "scroll lock" and "~")…I am talking…and I hate to admit this…and it may blow most your minds…the space key on my computer does not work! YES in order to type out this brilliance I have to paste in every single space. YES, LET ME REPEAT,  EVERYTIME YOU SEE A SPACE…I HIT “CTRL + V” AND PASTE IN A SPACE…It has taken the fun out of writing and unless I start making some bank off this blog, get a generous donation, or find a wonderful way to become famous and make money... I am stuck with this computer.
In related news, my computer’s “5 key” and “N key” do not work, so anytime you see an “n” or a “5” it is also copied and pasted…

SO, if I was typing straight out with out using copy and paste it would look something like this (allow me to use a verse from 12 days of christmas)

3Frech Hes,

I am seriously losing my mind with all these missing and broken keys…so my head has not been completely into the typing lately…

Also my computer has become the family computer because our other computer broke (yes that is right...this computer is the GOOD computer). With four people sharing one computer I have not had much time to sit and contemplate blog posts.

Secondly, lots of tradegy and crap has fallen upon the house of Torre…I promised this would not be a gloom and doom type of blog so I will keep the details to myself but just know that the Torre Family (whoever we might be) could use a ton of prayer right now. ANYWAY...

Thirdly, HOLY CRAP THE OLYMPICS HAVE TAKEN A HOLD OF ME!!!! I have been so engrossed with it that I can not stop watching…no matter what the sport... I have been glued to the tv set. I think I said in the first post I ever made that “world sporting events” such as the Olympics, and the World Cup are my favorite things to watch. I love the idea of countries competing and already having the best of the best athletes being showcased. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! (this came out in a demon like voice).
Anyway, the games showcase so much talent...talents that I will never have... so I enjoy living through the fantasies saying HEY I could TOTALLY do that! Here are my other top reasons of why I enjoy the Olympics...
1)      The “IT IS ALL ABOUT THE COUNTRY” aspect…think about it…the athletes are not just competeing for themselves they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. It is amazing watching the athletes stand on the podium and sing the national anthem of their country as EVERYONE tears up. It doesn’t matter if maybe you don’t like the athlete but you sure as hell like your country!
2)      The Opening Ceremonies, and seeing countries go ALL OUT in ringing in the beginning of the Olympic games. It’s always fun to see all the athletes marching in …waving their country’s flag… pretending people actually know ANYTHING about their count. I mean come on, you learn so much geography as you go through the parade of nations…usually this geography lesson happens when you stumble upon the country with all consonets in its name and you scream out.. ”WAIT, THAT IS A COUNTRY!?!” or “ WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!”

3)      Ok, everyone is just so damn good looking…even the “bad looking” ones are still highly attractive or redeemable…you do not become an olympian with out some sort of physical activity to keep you fit. In honesty however, those who might not be high up on the attractive scale could easily snap someone in two, shoot you, filet you with a sword, or pong you to death…so I will challenge anyone to tell them, “hey, you are not that good looking!”  I mean example… OW OW!

4)      CHEERING!...everyone cheers…cheer on your team, and everyone, no matter what, has someone to cheer for!!!!

So many more reasons…I just get overwhelmed even typing them…I will put up more…when I am not so EXCITED!!!!!!!

ANYWAY...hmmmm what to type...let me type...

What else have I been doing...OH...interviews...trying to find my dream job! I just am trying to get it done...this whole work crap thing! Blech...

I will be back soon...
In  a little bit...I am going to write my "IT IS AUGUST!!!" post...although I am hating it because that means here comes work again...

welcome August!

1 comment:

  1. Not all the Olympians are good looking...
