Oh I forgot, here is just a quick personalized shout out comprised of false names, and lack of detail!
I will explain "Bitches ain't shit" in another post!
cheers, salute, chin chin!!!
An honest, awesome, funny, brilliant, inspirational, light hearted, joking, angry, and drunken view on life written by a normal guy named Matteo Torre. Matteo's only goal in life is to impart his wisdom and to show that a guy who suffers from the "anything that will happen...will happen to me" syndrome can write about the world and how he survives it with life’s 4 most necessary gifts; anger, humor, shadiness, and alcohol
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
POST NUMERO 22: HE-double hockey sticks, and thundering f__ks
So I was trying to fit this in as a third “Sunday-Funday”
post… but this has turned into a Monday night post…but eh…it happens…but guess
what…it is now become a Tuesday night post…
So today I was listening to the radio and one of my new
favorite songs came on, Payphone by Maroon 5…now I am a huge fan of the band
and they are high on my list of people I would love to meet in real life and
hang out with. So as I am listening to the song and I am hearing these awkward
gaps in the lyrics…everything was rhyming…everything seemed to be going
smoothly…but something was missing…as I sat and listened through the song
concentrating hard on the lyrics and swerving all over the road…I realized the
song was being censored…so when I got home…I decided to delve into the YouTube
world and listen to the “uncensored version”…and wowza…I LOVE ME SOME
I love when people use “bad language” and curse in normal
conversation and I love when I hear it in music. I for one try to keep my
vocabulary as cuss free, proper, and clean as possible (everyone reading this
who ACTUALLY knows me, probably just
rolled their eyes) but I can’t help but drop a few f-bombs from time to time.
I did not start using “bad language” until around 7th grade
and even then I felt like cursing was the equivalent of setting something on
fire or grand theft auto. I would go about my day saying words like “narf”,
“dang”, and the ever stupid “fudge”.
My first time cursing in public was when I was reading a
story out loud in 6th grade and in the reading was the word HELL
(dun dun dunnnnn). I was so scared by the word and the possible repercussions of saying it that I (to save the virgin ears of
the other students and my teacher) pronounced the word hell as “H-E-
double hockey sticks” and when my teacher said it was ok to say “it” I remember
feeling like someone had just punched me in the stomach and the class gasp. It
was traumatizing and I will remember it to this day…the giggling still haunts
me every time I close my eyes…
![]() |
...just saying it makes me feel dirty.... |
Anyway, I know that some people grew up with cursing…but I seriously
grew up with the idea that bad words were a direct way to get hit with a wooden
spoon (crazy Italians)…in fact now that I look back on my childhood…my parents
actually cursed a lot…just not in English…
In honesty…I am sure some folks can remember when they
actually heard their first "f__k" or "s_it." I even
remember when my brother, Silvio, started using curse words (it was during a
baseball game…he was pitching…and cursing A LOT…The Torre family took T-ball
very seriously)
Anyway, sometimes I feel like there is a need for a good “curse”…for
If something drops on your foot…curse
If someone cuts your off while driving…curse
Your friend becomes a Sloppopotamus…curse
You become a Sloppopotamus…curse
You wake up from a coma…curse
I however get extreme satisfaction when certain people curse
and the methods of there verbal dirtiness
For example…I have an uncle who starts every conversation
with “OH SHIT!” …it could be the most innocent of conversations…but every line
starts with “OH SHIT!”:
Uncle Torre: OH SHIT, Did you see what your aunt made for
Matteo/Me: Yes Uncle Torre
Uncle Torre: OH SHIT, Doesn’t it look good?…OH SHIT. You
know why she made it?…because OH SHIT!, she loves you!!.
My father’s favorite curse: “Sonna-bitch-an-bastard”
say it really fast and combine everyword…he uses it for
I feel also to lighten up and add some new punch into curse
words (as well as some good practice for the SATs) is to add some sort of
colorful adjective before hand…my adjective of choice is: “thundering”
She can be a real "thundering b-tch" when she is angry!
She can be a real "thundering b-tch" when she is angry!
I just really enjoy the idea of cursing…I forgot what movie
or show I was watching once where it talked about how, “truly, there are so few
words in the English language…so we might as well you them all”.
So what makes swear words so “taboo” and what makes people
feel uncomfortable when using them? I have no idea…
I will post more soon!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
POST NUMERO 21: How to Get in Line
Hello Readers!
So it is Sunday, and if you have not realized from my past posts, that
means Church and Cereal!!!
Ok so, today my day started off in a bright way with going
to church and then (without realizing) the church was holding a reception
afterwards!...I love church…but church followed by food I love even better!
Anyway, there was a reception after the mass for an induction of a new deacon
and this reception consisted of a light lunch of numerous different sandwiches
and refreshments. The place was PACKED to capacity and it was amazing to see how
people were lined up well into the parking lot to fill their plates with
various pasta salads, sandwiches, and mini quiches. I repeat, the place was
However, no worries, I am a professional when it comes to
being able to weave in an out of places in order to get something (In this case
food). No way in hell was I skipping out on shrimp salad sandwiches and turkey
wraps!! So I had to play dirty, I am so freaking good, that by the time people
had even realized…I was walking away confidently with a plate full of food
avoiding and ignoring the line behind me. How? Well let me tell you… here is
some of my golden hints (insert some angelic music/noise)
Mind you these tips go for a lot of events where there are
lines, serve yourself buffet events, free stuff giveaways, or if you need to
just cut in line for something.
I am going to speak in terms of a event such as the one
above where I was waiting in line (or at least supposed to be) for food. These
are important to guarantee you get to the good food before it all runs out (in
other words…these tips can get you the steak as opposed to the vegetable
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yum...vegetable platter...same thing as steak....kind of... |
1) Just
freaking cut in line: This one is self explanatory, just do it! Most people
won't question it or are too focused on what they want from the table to even
2) Pretend
you know or are related to someone in line…all it takes is a simple
conversation or a “OMG I have not seen you in ages” comment to make it all
work…Here are a few examples of comments to use to ease into a line
-“Hello!, wow you look amazing…how have you been?”
-“Hi, how are your parents doing?”
-“WOW, I have not seen you since “that
time”…remember…wow it was so much fun”
If you confuse the hell out of them it works in your favor and you gain enough
time to grab as much food as you can and everyone ends up blaming your “new
friend” for letting you break into the line
3) Don’t
waste freaking time…don’t do it…don’t talk to anyone…ignore everyone…walk in
and get right in line…cut done on time to get farther in line. This should guarantee
you some food
4) Don’t
waste time getting drinks or forks…grab a plate and go right for the
food…people don’t mind stepping aside for you to grab a fork and knife…but they
sure as hell do mind if you step in line for food. Same with drinks…wait till
after you guarantee yourself some food.
5) Start
a new line…at the OTHER end of the table…or on the other side of the
table…people can’t bitch at you because of your extreme efficiency…plus…more
then likely people will join you in the new line and chaos should ensue…use the
chaos to stuff your face
6) ACT
LIKE YOU RUN THE PLACE (all while stealing food)…be the person in charge…pass
out some plates to some people around you…check to make sure the cheese platter
is still filled…just make it look like “you set this shit up…and you will take
this crap down”…people won’t mind if you grab a few sandwiches if they think
you are the person who set it all up.
7) Take
everything…you might not be able to go back and get more…so serve yourself with
a heavy hand…think you can only have one sandwich…take 6…try everything…just do
it and pretend you are getting stuff for others at your table…BUT SO HELP
Use these tips at your next event and have some fun with it.
I will post again later…thank you to those readers who welcomed me back! I
promise (somewhat) that I will try and go back to posting virtually every night.
Anyway…maybe, readers, if you are lucky
RANDOM THOUGHT!....I really reeeeallly want some Sparklers and
fireworks…anyone have any ideas…
Saturday, June 9, 2012
POST NUMERO 21: Running to Work and No Shirt, Shoes, or Service
So I have not been in the writing mood lately (as you can
see by my absence)…I think it is because my summer fever has hit an all time
high…the last post was pathetic and I actually am somewhat ashamed at how many Russians
I have lost as followers…so “прости меня” Russia!!
Anyway, So today readers I tried a whole “not driving into
work because I wanted to save gas and also be healthy thing” AKA “my car was on
empty and I have no friends who could have driven me the 4 minutes to work”…So
like any “sane professional” I decided to run to school and arrive a sweaty
Ok so running to work had its positives and negatives
-I felt like a freaking exercise maniac
-I kept telling myself, “Look at me being all healthy… and Running…stuff”
-I got to school with an abnormal amount of energy
-I woke up this morning and it was sunny so I got to enjoy
the weather a little bit more
-I bought myself another day of delaying paying for gas
-I got to rock out to blasting music while running
-If anyone saw me running…it might have been a turn on???
-My scanty-European-flimsy shorts could be considered “inappropriate
for work”
-I had to change clothes when I got to school
-I arrived an angry mess
-I was a sweaty beast upon arrival
-I run on a main road
-I hate running
-I run really funny and I flail
-With no car…I had nothing to cry in, and eat in during my
lunch break
-I really hate running
But I enjoyed it…I felt stupid…but I really enjoyed it…
So, it was funny (at least to me)…Today I ran into the
grocery store quickly in order to buy some of my necessary items (booze,
cigarettes, and of course…toothpaste) and while checking out I saw the very cliché
“NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE” sign. Seriously, I understand that this sign
DOES have significance in certain places…but seriously…
ONE, the place I walked into should NOT be that picky…as far
as convenience stores go…this one is a dive...
TWO, I don’t really know a lot of people who drive around
places and strip off their clothes or are already half naked upon arrival
(unless at the beach)
THREE, Ok so I need a shirt, and I need some shoes….but LOOP
hole…I don’t need pants
FOUR, I live in an area where it is not very likely to have
people walk around half naked (slutty is a different story)…I live in very much
the definition of suburbia
FIVE, I repeat…why leave the LOOP hole that is pants...Pants
Off, Dance Off
Then being the wise ass I am…I had to ask…”How often do you ACTUALLY have to enforce
that rule”…and the employee’s response was…”I never even noticed that sign was there” (the sign was large)
But really, I don’t exactly understand these signs…or maybe I
am just not used to them…I feel it is one of those “down the shore”/ ”at the
beach type of things”. Having grown up in Italy the signs usually say “Clothing
Optional” as opposed to the “No…No…No Service”.
When I was there last I think I only wore a shirt to go out
at night and the same for shoes. People were barefoot and shirtless and
surrrrre it might not have been proper but people were sure as hell not denied
service. It was very liberating…
Same thinking should be utilized down the shore when,
believe it or not, people actually walk around with just swim trunks on these
signs can be appropriate…but still, I don’t know why I find this concept so
hard to wrap my head around. Maybe I just enjoy being half naked…I really enjoy
walking barefoot…but those signs just make me think and become confused…It is
kind of like when I see “no smoking signs” in illogical places. For example,
when I see them in elementary school classrooms...
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DAMN IT, I knew I should not have removed that sign.... |
However, I do take notice of one thing…and in my opinion…(here
comes my PSA that contradicts this whole post) shoes are very necessary when
walking around in public stores. I see it as a HUGE liability…you would not
want to step on anything sharp, harmful, or hazardous. However…the shirt thing…I
guess it is a distraction, or a way to negate unfortunate people from being
undressed in public?
However a person has dominion over his/her own body…
In fact…lets make a new sign with some bigger issues…when is
someone going to create the
NO FUN sign
Or my version
More posts coming soon, I Promise…
Friday, June 8, 2012
POST NUMERO 20: Mosquitos and Warm Nights
So I have been loving this weather lately…I really have… but
when people come up to me and say things like:
“Ugh, Warm summer
nights are made for being out in the open air and great outdoors…”
“Spring and Summer
nights…when it is hot…are made to be spent under the stars”
Aren’t statements like those so wonderfully beautiful, so
wonderfully true, and so very WONDERFULLY POETIC!!!! Well how about who ever is
saying these statements also so wonderfully SHUTS the HELL UP!!
When people say things like that I want to look them in the
eye with disgust and reply back…
“Nice Try, Mosquito
disguised as a human!”
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...."We Should go outside...and relax a while..." |
I mean really…it is wonderful weather…but if you are
anything like me…you get eaten alive when you so much as open a window or
better yet…look at a window…
So, anyway…sorry I have not posted in a while…been very
busy/lazy...I owe a bunch more posts...ones better then this...
I am back in the game kids!!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
POST NUMERO 19.52: "The Host", and my Mothers Questioning
Wow, it is only Saturday midday and I have already been out
and about! So. I woke up early so I could catch my goddaughters/cousins dance
recital…and holy smoley…it was one of the cutest things ever. I was dumbfounded by the cuteness of it all! It was so
glittery and adorable…and then the woman sitting next to me ruined it…but she
was just a terrible person (I may or may not have gotten into a shouting match
with a stranger…)
Ok, so last night I was supposed to go out with friends…Before
I was able to leave, the Torre house was invaded with my parent’s friends.
Firstly, I enjoy these people so I did not mind that they arrived unannounced
and came in with a rush of “fiery italian-ness” and a Panetone (Panetone makes
everything better).
As I said…I have no issues with these people
what-so-ever…they are some extremely interesting characters and I love when our
families get together…my one issue from last night has nothing to do with
them…my problem was that my mother left me in charge of being The Host”.
Ok, so the duties of “The
Host” are to act charming and stuff…be witty…and whatever. The difficulty
is that my mother usually goes off on tangents which provide no help, cause
chaos, and make me a horribly nervous person.
Her main technique of doing this is when she says things
such as:
“Can you get out the
tall cups…but not the heavy ones with the bottoms!”
“Go get that thing
from the room” (what room?! what thing?!)
Or my personal favorite
“Matteo, tell them the
story about that one time…” (this example is my favorite because usually
when my mother says this example, it was an event I was not part of or even knew
Anyone have that experience…I would love to hear some of
those questions…
Anyway it was there were some crazy conversations and I
really like when people invade my house! Anyway tonight I have an outing with
some people! Happy Saturday everyone…hope everything is going amazing out in
the Cyberland
Friday, June 1, 2012
Alright so I realized I forgot to mention, HAPPY JUNE
What a Jerk I am...June is a huge month and I did not even
mention it...I mean come on…June is not only the 6th month of our calendar
year…it is also:
Adopt A Shelter Cat Month
Dairy Month
Flag Month
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
General Safety Month
Audio book Month
Dairy Month
Flag Month
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
General Safety Month
Audio book Month
Candy Month
Dairy Month
Firework Safety Month
Iced Tea Month
People Skills Month
Turkey Lovers Month
WOAH! JUNE HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! However these are some observances
that I think should be created and included to honor June:
“Get the Fuck out of Work” Month
Bug Spray Month
“Get in your car after it has been parked outside for a
while and it feels like hell” Month
Liquor and Drinks on the Rocks month
“Try to hide the fact of how it is becoming hot as balls”
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How to maximize the importance of June...click on the picture for a bigger view... |
Jeeze...my first post of June (now that I reread it) is kind
of "sucky"...I mean come on...it was a post about "jumping into a pool"...so I am going to have to post a bunch of stuff today to
make it better...Ugh sometimes my good thoughts about life (aka my
"extreme genius") ...just gets messed up in all the typing and
Plus readers it sounded like I condoned something awful in
that last post (which now that I reread was just terrible really)...so let me
make it clear to you all...
it is gross...
I will however issue you all a challenge:
Do something relatively easy that challenges your comfort
POST NUMERO 19: I Jumped, and Drank
Sometimes you just live on the edge and do things you never
would…Readers, a few nights ago I had one of those “live on the edge” type of
moments…I was so far on the edge that my inner dialogue was going on full rant
and questioning every second of what was happening…it was like I was possessed!.
After reading that ^^^….you should all be on the edge of
your seats!!...but believe me readers it was nothing “big”! (actually screw that...for me it was monumental)
So on Memorial Day after completing the family BBQ I was
invited over a friend’s house for a relaxing evening. These friends are amazing
people, and some of the best I know. It is amazing how kind and generous they
are and how amazing this group of friends is…Anyway…back to the story...
It was an amazingly fun Memorial Day. I started off the day
with sleeping in and a nice bit of relaxing while surfing the Internet for blog
ideas. I had a pear for breakfast…while eating that pear I marveled at how amazingly wonderful it
was for it to be a Monday and not be at work. I dusted my room, cleaned out my
car, and put away general crap…I then ate another piece of fruit (another pear). I prepared many things for the family BBQ including various
chips and dips and also normal BBQ food (hamburgers, marinated chicken, and
hotdogs)…Then family came over and we did a very normal family BBQ…nothing
exciting…very cookie cutter…very Italian…very there…annnnd then I snapped slightly from the wholesome family goodness.
Don't get me wrong...as I have said in past posts I really do love my family...but I had hit my boiling point. I needed to get out of the house! So after dinner was over I was in need of something exciting…that is when the magic happened and I received a call from friends (those mentioned above)
inviting me over for ANOTHER BBQ!...Miracles do occur!!!
So I went!
I TURNED INTO A BEER DRINKER! (I put away the vodka for the evening and jumped right into the Becks)...It was just "good livin".
So…big news…and the somewhat point of this post...I had a “living on the edge” moment…I FREAKING
…ok readers you probably just rolled your eyes…but this is
huge for me…I am never ever that
type of person…I always make a
horrible excuse and chicken out…I am just kind of not “that person” who accepts challenges like that… I was
soooo proud of myself!...I stripped off my shirt...and jumped...it was all very unexpected of me...I have to admit...I was a very cool person!
in fact, let me rephrase
jumped in I came to the realization that I had jumped into a very unshocked, uncleaned, and dirty pool. The pool had only recently been uncovered (about 4 minutes before I took the plunge)...so... IMPETIGO and
DISEASE here I come!
I did do it however! so instead of rolling your eyes readers...Applaud me! Scream out HOORAY MATTEO!!!...AUGURI MATTEO!!!...BRAVO!!!...or just keep on reading my next few posts...which ever one works!
ANYWAY!, I know readers…I promise things and do not deliver…I
have been mega busy…I have stories on the way and a bunch of half finished blog
posts that I will try and put up over the weekend…School is almost out for
more posts coming soon!
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