Yes, Folks…it is the amazing and wonderful November!
I can’t even believe that it came so fast (and that it is
almost over)…I still feel that it could be October (being 2 weeks with zero
power really moved the month along…). Anyway, I am in disbelief with how
quickly this month is passing…and I STILL HAVE NOT PUT UP NOVEMBER’s “MONTH
POST”! (What a Jack Ass I am!)
So here it is readers:
The Thanksgiving season is upon us and just a few days from
now, most US citizens will enjoy the sit down, knock out, family fun, worst
travel day, eat till you burst, parade filled, first REAL day of the holiday
season, and most awesome holiday of the year (somewhat sarcastic)!
People will travel to the middle of no where (once again on
the worst travel day of the year), to see family they'd rather not spend an
afternoon with (or in my case…3 minutes with) and make amazing mental reasons why
it is ok to have 18 pieces of meat today as opposed to what a normal serving
size is any other day of the year. It is the day where people eat far more than
they should of some of the BEST food they've ever tasted on what is a uniquely
American holiday (so to my worldly readers…to bad. so sad, Google and try out
Thanksgiving…you will NOT be dissapointed)
So what to do in November and why is it SO grand:
1) Well, unfourtanelty the days are shorter (womp womp)…BUT
if you do most your drinking when the sun goes down then GUESS WHAT…YOU HAVE AN
EXTRA HOUR OF DARKNESS!...yeaaah plus side! So drink up everyone!
2) November is also great because it makes you realize that
you made it through MOST of the year. November is the home stretch…It is a
refreshing month…It is the final month to say goodbye to the year and being
that December is more of a “Holiday/Festivities” month (I.M.H.O) then I
recommend to you readers that you use November as your reflection month (right
now I am reflecting on the fact of how I could really use a drink…and a scoop
of peanut butter…)
don’t give a rat’s ass who won (I actually do…but I don’t talk about politics)…not
because I am disinterested but because I find it a terrible topic…THE ELECTION
IS OVER AND I AM EXCITED because it means no more friends (like I have any) pushing
their political rants and bull crap on me when I don’t care. The countless amounts
of CRAP Facebook posts I saw in the past few month have been staggering and the
methods used to pour them upon people were obnoxious. It came to the point
where I would log on and pray that someone uploaded a picture of their ugly
kid, or an Instagram photo of a sandwich. BUT FINALLY it is over…(bring back
slutty girls who post about wanting a “gentleman” but have their Facebook
profile picture set to a picture of them getting motorboated by a stranger on Halloween)
4) Oh speaking of Halloween…November 1st means
you survived Halloween which means you made it through those bad decisions that
could have happened.
5) November is a month where it is acceptable for men NOT TO
SHAVE…yes everyone…if your guy friend is growing out his stache and starting to
look like as axe murderer, biker dude, or someone who might be a frequent entry
on a sex offenders list…DON’T WORRY and DON’T JUDGE because it is
“NO-SHAVE-NOVEMBER” also known as “Movember” (I can’t participate because I
begin looking like a public threat to society after two days)
6) Christmas Music Begins to play on the radio and new big
budget movies start debuting.
7) THE FOOD!!!
8) It is the fruit pie month…so many fruit pies…Pumpkin
Anyway so what is November known for?
Well November has a lot to offer and is known for many
things …however for now I am going to put two things that are near and dear to
my heart:
November is “Peanut Butter Lovers Month”…I can’t even handle
the epicness of any month that celebrates the awesomeness that is peanut
butter…the legume that warms my heart and fills my stomach…as I am writing this
I am currently eating a spoonful of Peanut Butter just because knowing it was
peanut butter month made my mouth water! Yum!
This may or may not be my Dinner.... |
November is National Epilepsy Month and if you know me you
will know why this is huge to me. So lets raise some awareness and do some
research people. Everyone is coming down from the hype of October being Breast
Cancer Awareness month but those effected with Epilepsy need some help and
support also. It is a terrible thing to have and it flat out sucks. So do you
research and figure out how to help! (I will probably post more on this in
another post…but until then…I repeat keep it in your mind and support the cause).
Notable Days:
1 All Saint's Day
2 All Soul's Day
3 Sandwich Day
8 Cook Something Bold Day
11 Veteran's Day
17 Homemade Bread Day
17 National Adoption Day
17 World Peace Day
20 Universal Children's Day
21 False Confession Day
22 Thanksgiving - Eat, drink, and be thankful.
23 Black Friday
Here is the Half-Assed Calendar
The Turkey was added to draw attention from the failure...I just couldn't make it work |
ANYWAY!, More posts coming soon…