So 34 days till school ends and (in honesty) it may be only my first month working at this school (technically I have only worked there for two weeks with one week off due to spring break…what a great month to start)… I want it to be over and my mind is slowly drifting towards vacation…
I just want to do something adventurous and with friends… not camping though…ANYTHING BUT CAMPING!
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the amount of times this ran through my mind last night... |
So 34 days till school ends and (in honesty) it may be only my first month working at this school (technically I have only worked there for two weeks with one week off due to spring break…what a great month to start)… I want it to be over and my mind is slowly drifting towards vacation…
I just want to do something adventurous and with friends… not camping though…ANYTHING BUT CAMPING!
So, today two very random thoughts have been going through my
mind all day. Firstly, Readers, think back…I don’t even know if this exists
anymore…But does anyone remember when NBC used to do the week long segment “Where
in the World is Matt Lauer?” … I used to freaking love that week….5 days of new
exotic places…hearing about the trip…the big reveal of the “super secret”
destinations…and of course seeing Matt Lauer be offensively charming and off
putting in foreign places and in front of famous landmarks. It was great!
Even better, It was also great tracking Matt Lauer’s slow
yet very noticeable descent into “Jet Lag Hell”…For example the first day he
would look all pepped up, full of enthusiasm, and happy:
Matt Lauer: "HI
EVERYONE!, Today is DAY ONE, and I am in Standing in front of the Leaning Tower
of is a beautiful day!"
And on the last day he would sound like this:
Matt Lauer: "Hey…sooo…tired…hate…life…who
the hell cares where I am…so many planes…SO MANY PLANES" ::then he would begin
It was truly the only time I remember being glued to the News
before going to school (that week I think I would be late to school every day).
Plus, it had a catchy Rockapella Acapella Sung Intro…
The second random thought which will be the topic of my post
tomorrow is how I want to be on the Amazing Race so very badly (I am currently too lazy and have way too much to say about this topic that I need a day to formulate it)
Ok, what else…what else… OH! today there was a large “Teacher
Appreciation Week” catered lunch at school (Btw readers…it is Teacher
Appreciation Week…so go appreciate your teachers and mentors…they deserve it!).
Being that I have no friends at work, I sat alone at a back table (mostly because there was a basket of sour cream and cheddar ruffles potato chips there) and ate my
feelings. My plate was loaded up so high that I definitely was the topic of a
few conversations when I finally unbuttoned the top button of my pants and left the cafeteria. However the food was delicious…towards the end
two people (out of pity) came to sit with me and I felt obligated to tell them
that they really did not have to if they did not want to…so they didn’t…their
loss! OH, I also went back for more food at least 4 times… and I may or may not
have stuck a doughnut in my pocket for the ride home from work…I really don’t
care…I love me some free food!
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